Women's Ministries


We desire to cultivate beautiful and lasting relationships with Jesus Christ, our families, each other, our church body, and our community both locally and around the world. Being women of God we show our love for Him by serving His people, using the individual gifts He has blessed us. We do His work, not in our strength, but through spending time with God, allowing His Spirit to work through us, and by leaning on each other for support.


- widening our circle of friendships among women within the church family

- spending purposeful time with women outside regular church functions

- encouraging women through loving conversation with a genuine listening ear


We desire to STRENGTHEN WOMEN by:

- prioritizing time for prayer

- encouraging women to be empowered by the Holy Spirit

- spending time in the Word of God

- entering the Word of God in our conversations when we are together


We desire to SERVE GOD by using our gifts for the benefits of others by:

- using our skills for ministry within the church body

- adjusting our time to express care and meet needs of others in our Church Family, Community, Local Missions and World Missions

- reaching the lost by multiplying leaders through a mentoring process


River Women's Ministry generally meets every Monday evening at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.  We go through seasons of Bible Study, Prayer, Talent Nights, Themed Potlucks, Mission Focus Evenings, Movie Nights, Retreats, Conventions, and among many other things we even have a scattered Ladies Night Out.




© 2025 The River Church   |   8448 Highway 242, Conroe, TX US 77385